Motorcycle Safety Tips for Winter Weather

Motorcycle Safety Tips for Winter Weather

Winter weather is coming. In Southern California that means cooler weather, drier air, and occasional rainfall. If you choose to ride a motorcycle to get around, there are several important steps you should take during winter months to ensure both your safety and the safety of others.

Below are some motorcycle safety tips for winter weather:

  • Avoid puddles. Puddles can hide deep and dangerous potholes. When it is raining during the winter months, remember that riding through puddles of water can lead to significant accidents. 
  • Wear your goggles. The cool air and occasional rain can significantly impair your vision. Even if the weather is beautiful in the morning, always bring a pair of goggles with you on the road. You never know when you may need them. 
  • Wear proper attire and always layer. This will help not only to keep you warm on a windy bike, but to protect your skin from road rash in the event of a collision. If temperatures change (which is very common in winter) you can always add or remove layers in order to regulate your own temperature. 
  • Trust no one. When conditions are poor, drivers can get jittery and move unpredictably. If conditions are less than ideal, give yourself extra space and take extra care when turning, approaching intersections, changing lanes, and breaking. 
  • Keep ziplocks handy. If you get caught in the rain, a gallon sized ziplock can protect your phone and anything else that you want to keep safe from water damage. 

Remember that in winter months, windchill can affect your ability to pay attention, and slippery surfaces can affect the traction of your wheels. Take extra care when it comes to winter riding. If you are in doubt, it is safer to leave the bike at home and take a car or a rideshare.

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