Understanding Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Understanding Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination in the workplace is illegal under both federal and California state law. When most people think about “discrimination,” they think about racial discrimination, gender discrimination, and discrimination based on sexual orientation. And while those types of discrimination are undeniably a problem in the workforce today, there is another type of discrimination that does not get nearly as much attention. 

Age discrimination. 

Age discrimination is the mistreatment of an employee or prospective employee based on their advanced age. Under both federal and California state law, anti-age discrimination laws protect employees over the age of 40. The problem is that employers may not want to invest in people who are nearing the end of their careers. Employers may think that it is more advantageous for them to hire someone younger since they can serve the company for decades to come. The law prohibits these practices since they might effectively shut older Americans out of job opportunities. Sadly, while age discrimination is not permitted under the law, that does not mean that the practice has been abolished. 

According to a recently published Hiscox study, 2019 Ageism in the workplace, age-related discrimination charges have doubled between 1990 and 2017. 44% of employees surveyed report that they know someone personally who has experienced age discrimination. 21% of employees surveyed say they’re facing age discrimination themselves. Incredibly, only 40% of people who reported experiencing discrimination wound up filing a claim. That means that the majority of instances of ageism go completely unreported and tragically uncorrected.

This is clearly an insidious and persistent problem in today’s workforce. The best way to abolish ageism once and for all is to stand up to it every time it occurs. If you believe that you are facing age discrimination in the workplace, either by being pushed out of your job, being denied a promotion, or just generally being treated poorly, then call El Aliado for representation. We will listen to your situation’s details, determine whether you have a viable ageism claim, and represent you if you do. We can and will help you stand up to this discriminatory practice. Without strong individuals standing up for what is right, ageism will never go away.

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