What Does Gender Discrimination Look Like in 2020?

What Does Gender Discrimination Look Like in 2020?

In 1920, women gained the right to vote through the 19th amendment. In 1963 the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act ensured that women must make as much as their male counterparts for equal work. Many people point to those and many other legislation pieces and say that men and women are on equal footing in the workplace. The problem with that viewpoint is that it ignores the glass ceiling. Women today face much more subtle forms of sexism, but sexism is very much alive. Discrimination based on gender or gender identity is illegal under both federal and state law. Still, for many, it can be challenging to identify and prove that sexism is taking place. 

Sexism in 2020 looks a lot different than it did in the past. Below is an incomplete list of examples of what sexism can look like today. Recognizing it for what it is and correcting unfair treatment is the only way to achieve true equality in the workplace.

Examples of modern and subtle sexism:

  • A woman is not hired or promoted because the employer suspects she may soon become pregnant and require time away from work. Similarly, an employer may express annoyance at a female employee’s family planning when those same reactions are not given to men.
  • Women are often expected to handle organizational, housekeeping, or otherwise stereotypical feminine tasks within the workplace and are judged if they don’t. If the only woman on the team is also the only one making coffee and tidying up the breakroom, it’s a problem.
  • Women are often given supporting roles on projects or in front of clients because it is believed that men command more authority.
  • Women are interrupted continuously in the workplace and are never given the time or attention they need to air grievances, share ideas, or contribute to the workplace. 

These examples are subtle and are not always legally actionable, but everyone’s responsibility is to eradicate sexism in the workplace. If you notice these types of behaviors or interactions going on at work, speak up. If you believe you have grounds for a sexism lawsuit, contact El Aliado today for help and representation.

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